“You want to know what I think? I think I know why we go through trials, or at least why I do. I think the Lord is constantly allowing trials to show me where my home is: heaven. So many
times, I forget to look at things with an eternal perspective and then a trial will come. That’s when I’m reminded that no matter what we go through or endure, succeed at or fail at, this is not our home. So, with that I want to go through these trials standing, knowing soon and very soon we’re gonna see the King. Amen.”​

The book, "Melissa, If One Life . . ." tells Melissa's love story in her own words using her journals.
As you read Melissa’s prayers and journals and follow her journey, you can see and hear the mind of God at work in her, preparing her for His eternal plans and purposes.
The film, I Still Believe, is based on her love story with Jeremy Camp. We know you will enjoy reading Melissa's journals and the details of her journey that the movie couldn't possible tell in 2 hours.
Prayers are eternal, they are mustard seeds, planted by faith and grown in the very heart of our Eternal God and Father. God is continually giving Melissa the desires of her heart by answering her prayers according to His will and perfect timing. The movie, I Still Believe, Jeremy's testimony and book and now Melissa's book will further her purpose to glorify God and for her life to be used to bring many to faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior.
“If One Life comes to know Jesus Christ through what I go through it will all be worth it.”
This is the real-life love story of Melissa Camp. Her heartrending story is told through her journals and reveals her intimate conversations with God, her extraordinary love story with Jeremy, her walk-through cancer and her supernatural responses to life’s hardest trials.
The film, I Still Believe, is based on Melissa’s fun and emotional love story with Jeremy Camp. It is more than inspiring! It is transformational! It restores faith that great love does exist and is worth sacrificing everything for. This book expands the dialog, shows Melissa’s reactions and fills in the details of her remarkable life. It also reveals the mystery to living a courageous life filled with love, joy and hope no matter what the circumstances are.
Melissa, If One Life . . . is a powerful intimate look at one life that was fully surrendered to God’s will above her own and the amazing journey they took together. “Big or small, I’m willing for it all. The journey is ours. Let’s Go!!”

Watch Melissa & Jeremy's movie on your favorite on demand platforms.



If you have any questions about the book just send me a note!